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Forex Beginner

IF we are beginer, we should learn about forex trading. Try to understand it. we can read from articles, ebook, book and many online sources. Try to read Beginner’s Guide to Forex Trading eBook by FXB too. I think it will be useful for us, beginner traders
‘Maximum loss using leverage’ that’s not true practically. If anyone losses by using leverage it is completely with non-sense planning and zero risk management approach , nothing to do with leverage at all. so before trading with leverage we have to make sure real risk managing plan , because leverage always contains risk.
New traders should concentrate on technical analysis; then should start their learning process on fundamental analysis. Yes, learning is the only one medicine to the new traders.
So many new Forex traders try to make money from here without learning. As a result they become loser due to lack of exact trading knowledge. It’s a common thinking. I think by and large lose because they trade with emotions and don’t know how to manage money in Forex.
As a master place to practice Forex trading in a proper way there is no alternative way to trade demo account. But practically we don’t believe the importance of this trading place especially the beginners. As a result we are becoming loser due to lack of exact market principle.
I am also would like to post and share my knowledge to improve myself and help community grow up and well. I think it importation part of the success.

You are welcome mate; this forum is more than a community. I have learned a lot. And here, I’m waiting for your steps on helping the new traders.
If you want to learn things on your own and discover the wonders of forex, then you can check out babypips.com because I think they are the best website that could explain forex in a fun and interactive way.

Now if you want to learn forex in a group then forex forums will surely help you and I think that members of any forex forum are more than willing to help you out.
I agree with you. The best site for learning forex.
You can earn money from Forex trading if you can acquire most powerful analyzing trade knowledge , on the other hand , despite of good trading knowledge that’s not possible at all to lead a profitable trading life without having a reliable support form a credible trading platform, because the broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly.
To make money by forex trading, you needs good knowledge, expertise and a mind that may control feelings. You have to learn it first. Go to education section of this website and begin reading it.