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Attachment is emotions

Attachment is a form of emotion. Being attached to the money you are trading will make you fearful of loss, worried and anxious about the future market movements, depressed with losses, greedy for profits, and angry with losses.
Development of trading psychology is the key to overcoming all these problems. In my personal experience, I have never seen traders who have been able to make consistent profits without developing their psychology.
well said! Attachment to money can make you depressed and greedy, so it is best to avoid forming any attachments if you are trying to make it in the long run.
Allowing emotions to enter into trading is a dangerous thing to do. It is preferable to maintain emotional control while trading as it resist traders to make rational decisions.
Attachment, greed, and other such human emotions can have a negative impact on your trading career and should be avoided at all costs. Keeping your feelings out of your trading is the best course of action.
Attachment, greed, and other such human emotions can have a negative impact on your trading career and should be avoided at all costs. Keeping your feelings out of your trading is the best course of action.
We will need to make more Efforts into the correct direction.
Many traders allow their emotions to get the better of them which later results in losses. When you're feeling emotional, take a step back and evaluate the situation. If you're furious, frustrated, or anxious, it's better to stop trading until you've calmed down.