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In Forex, knowledge is important?

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Today Forex market is popular market in this world, many youngster join Forex market. I think knowledge is important in Forex market, anyone know how much knowledge enough for Forex trading.
Yeah we should lots of knowledge about forex. A little knowledge is dangerous because it can make us confident even though we still have lots to learn before we would need to go to the live trading. So I just hope that I would get me knowledge soon.
With knowledge traders can learn quickly practical trading. They can use what they read in real trading and see its results. Knowledge makes their trading planned. They do work with disciplines way. They should not stop their knowledge getting opportunity . With trading they should learn new systems of trading to cope with changing market.
Knowledge is always essential to everything, not just in forex trading but with everything in life. It's astonishing how many people still go blind in to trading and lose all their invested capital by doing so, I just wished that people would learn the basics before they started trading rather than going headlong in to that market without even knowing the risks involved.
of course in forex trading, the knowledge is the most important thing we have, because forex is a business that requires the trader to always learn and practice in order to possess the ability of a good trade, because it is only with the knowledge we will be able to generate profits from forex trading
It's the trading experience is the most important. It's like the real job and schooling is the knowledge. OF course, you will not have learn in just in school but basically, you will learn certain things and the major ones in the jobs which it require. So, Forex trading is in the actual trading.
I would agree that we should learn from experiences but if you don't have knowledge then I don't think that you would understand well your own experiences . So I would say getting more knowledge would lead to more experiences
I think it is knowledge that is going to break or make the people. I have found that knowledge can be complicated sometimes, because it would be possible to see that there are some of the thigns that we know how the people are going to be taking risks with and that is what knowledge tells us to do.
It's very important to have the knowledge but you don't need to rush to learn a lot of things. You would need to slow down and enjoy your learning in forex. If you would put a lot of pressure in your self to learn then you might not be able to learn well and because of that year would not be a successful trader.
I think it is knowledge that is going to break or make the people. I have found that knowledge can be complicated sometimes, because it would be possible to see that there are some of the thigns that we know how the people are going to be taking risks with and that is what knowledge tells us to do.
About knowledge, i think it is hard or not depend on the trader, and also from the one who tell the material to the other, sometimes i meet some forex mentor which is so bad when they told material to their students and in the end it is very hard for them to gain knowledge, since knowledge is important in forex especially in early part, that is why we need better way to deliver knowledge.
But I think there would be times that we would have easy time to make profit in forex but I think there would be times that we would experience that forex is indeed such a hard thing to learn. So I think it is not just by the trader but also forex is just indeed hard in general.
[MENTION=13]indieover[/MENTION]: that is why forex actually an easy business while at the same time it also a hard business to do and to learn, learning forex isn't only depend on the trader but also to the markets that always change and move every seconds, even we don't trade it will be move and move maybe until there isn't any currency anymore. So that is why knowledge is important in this part for us, if we have good knowledge, it would be easier to us.
In forex trading what is important is knowledge its in here that we can make good income. I don't know but I feel like I been wasting my many years of not believing that forex is good even for individual like us. Now I'm happy that some how I end up in making profit of 10 months straight now. That's how important forex trading is.
Kowledge is the way to make money and we have to learn to make some things using the knowledge. if we are going to be curious about the things then we are going to learna nd make them. it would be harder to maange the things if we are not being careful there.
We acquire the knowlegde first before we think about having the exprience,thats why we are adviced never to ruxh into forex trading without the basic knowlegde,not just knowing about forex trading but being calculative and smart,when we are calculative it helps in market analyzing.
Well, that's correct. We need the knowledge to have the idea of how to trade and then, we will need of experience by applying what we acquired knowledge and soon, we will again have more knowledge through the trading experience which is of course, different but significant knowledge for the trader which can be a new skill.
Of course knowledge is important. Without that you will lose a lot. I think its the backbone of earning. People earn cause they know right. Like running a business, one would excel so much and get so wealthy while the other one lose all of their money and go bankrupt cause they don't know how to run a business. So, the more you know the more money you make. I haven't loss so far and nothing miserable has happened to me in trading cause I do my homework well before I trade and I'm not impulsive.
Yes knowledge is one of key to be success in forex market.you must have knowledge about every area of forex. knowledge of market trend, knowledge of risk management,knowledge of market prediction, knowledge economical and financial affairs etc..
Knowledge is not only necessary at forex trading but also every part of our life. To earn a good amount of money from forex you have to learn many things from A to Z. When you will start trading, then also you have to learn.
Though there are businesses one can survive in with little or no experience but it is not Forecast, definitely not. It is such that requires you understand the system and the way it works before you can make it. Sometimes I wonder why even the respected traders still lose. Experience should have taught them a lot but for the fact that it is that which is based on probabilities, it will be difficult to become a master in it.
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