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How to become a perfect trader.

the perfect trader is a trader who can bring profit for all time by using most powerful analyzing trade knowledge. but its a long time process to be a better trader.
There is only one answer to this: practice. Becoming a profitable trader is not an easy job. There are traders who have been trading for years and fail sometimes.
Nobody can become a perfect trader. There is always room for improvement. Moreover, the forex market is never the same. So, even a highly experienced professional is bound to make mistakes. What can be done is to follow the best practises and keep on improving your strategies.
the perfect trader first of all choose a broker which is more appropriate to the concept of trading that will be used ,
You can earn money from Forex trading if you can acquire most powerful analyzing trade knowledge , on the other hand , despite of good trading knowledge that’s not possible at all to lead a profitable trading life without having a reliable support form a credible trading platform, because the broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly.
As per my own definition, a perfect trader is not the one who has been making huge amounts of profits when he wins. But he/she is also the one who knows how to protect their capital. If you keep chasing profits and don’t pay attention to your trading account, you might end up depleting it. Forex trading is a game of survival and you can’t move ahead if you don’t take it seriously.