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Forex is a difficult

Absolutely, lack of trading knowledge is the main parameter of losing regular money here! I see, almost all of low skilled Forex traders are gamblers, they try to hunt profit! On the other hand, knowledgeable Forex traders are very logical! They know, when good opportunities are available and how to recover here!
That’s the point; Forex is open to all! But you may noticed; only few traders can make a decent profit here since Forex is very much challenging profession! Only knowledgeable traders are enjoying their trading career!
Basically, new traders try to make quick money here; since they have no idea on Forex! Forex is not any shortcut way of money making! It’s a decentralized market; and only pro traders can make money here in a long run!
Demo account generally is more appropriate to ensure the basic fundamental market experience which is very supportive to continue a live account in a proper way , but not appropriate to make sure brokers performance but shortly you can understand how the broker works.
Greed is one of the most common problem for new traders, they actually focus on their earning rather than learning! That’s too bad! Try to learn first, without learning- earring is totally impossible. So, keep concentrating on demo & practice.
leverage is a very complicated issue in Fx trading , sometimes it bring profit very rapidly , sometimes it causes a great losses and risk in spite of having risk management , but after all its one of the major financial issue in Forex.
Demo account generally is more appropriate to ensure the basic fundamental market experience which is very supportive to continue a live account in a proper way , but not appropriate to make sure brokers performance but shortly you can understand how the broker works.
there is no fixed rules of trading , its true , but some trading habit that we the traders must have to observe if want make sure real better trading life.
There is nobody even real professional in Forex who don’t feel nervous when making a trade. I always try to make my trade with great analysis but don’t avoid nervousness. But when I trade with emotions at random and demo account , never feel any nervous at all.
1-2% risk is more comfortable for avoiding unfortunate risk and losses, but difficult to maintain this ratio at all times , because market moves at random most of the time.
So many brokers are available in this retail market place which ensure unlimited brokers services but I don’t think so this is useful for the beginners trader because they always ignore demo trading and prefer micro account as a newcomer without practicing demo account.
Due to small balance I always have to depend on scalping that brings profit in a short time. But it causes a great loss sometimes, because within short it’s really difficult to predict the market with certainly. So I think long term trading is too much safe and sounds.
I totally agree with you. A lot of people come in trading with a desire to make quick and easy money. And then such people are quickly caught up with the reality in which they've lost all their money. If you've already decided to trade on Forex, you should know that you'll have to make a lot of efforts not only to make money, but not to lose yours own. You'll have to spend a lot of time to understand all the mechanisms and nuances of the market, and only then you'll be able to invest your money. So, if you aren't ready for it, then it is better not to start, because the result will be only one - failure.
First step for beginners is learning their all concentration should remain on earning even if they are doing real trading. I will recommend micro accounts where their loss will less and learning will valuable with real trading.
Everything is uncertain in Forex market, so the newcomers always feel frustrated when trading. So before kickoff live account we have to make sure sufficient trading balance that can remove our frustration , otherwise it will be great difficult to survive in this volatile trading market.
lack of knowledge is very common, what you think Mate the traders who is completely professional in Forex, he has fill knowledge ?
ita a good place where people come to increase their knowledge about trading but you are talking about brokerage. strange . wherever it is , mostly welcome.
Leaning from own trading mistake is the best practice! But, we should try to complete our main learning process in the beginning stage of trading!
My worst habit is sometimes I open a trade whimsically without any second thought then I start analyzing. Sometimes I may be right in my decision. But the worst part once I understand that I took the wrong trade, even after that I let the trade run. As a result I face loss. I am trying to get over from it.