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MidasCoin[MID]New Scrypt PoM|Backed Value|ATM card

New cryptocurrency - MidasCoin[MID]


Midas Payment LTD hit the drawing boards about half a year ago. Today, they are proud to reveal theyr brainchild, the Midas Payment Network.

The most important argument today in the crypto world is whether or not there is intrinsic value behind the multitude of coins available. From this starting point, Midas Payment LTD made it theyr goal to solve this argument by securing the value and by reducing the barriers to entry, allowing cryptocurrencies to be used by anyone, not just miners.

Today they are excited to bring to the table theyr newest innovation, MidasCoin. A cryptocurrency with 0 Premine, no IPO, and directly backed by its own independent reserve.

The value of MidasCoin is backed, guaranteed, and transparent at every moment. The guaranteed value can be withdrawn at any ATM worldwide through Midas MasterCard (Debit Card) or redeemed for it's gold weight at corporate site MidasPay.io.

The same applies to the Scrypt mining profitability of mining MidasCoin at the official pool MidasPool.com.

(dynamic widget images, autoupdate on page refresh)​

Midas Payment LTD bridge the gap between the consumers, miners, and merchants, allowing real world applications to make use of MidasCoin by providing not just the currency, but a complete network of services integrated with MidasCoin. This is not a "future development promise"; all the services are already available today.​

Take a seat, your MidasCoin journey begins here.


ATM Withdraw WorldWide | MidasCoin Debit ATM Card | MidasCoin Virtual Credit Card (VCC | No pre-mine NO IPO | New Scrypt PoM distribution algorithm | Guaranted backed value | Merchant API | WebShop | WalletShop | 0% Fee Mining Pool With Referral System | Impossible to Instamine | Open Source

Release date:

MidasCoin is the flagship service of our company Midas Payment LTD.

Download Wallet & Source Code:



New innovative Scrypt PoM (Proof of Mining) distribution Algorithm
Compatible With current Scrypt Mining Devices (including asics)
Block generation target: 2.5 minutes
Network difficulty retarget: Digishield - each block.
Starting Block Reward of 50 MidasCoin, decreasing every month following a custom reduction formula
Total coins: 7,611,236 issued in 36 months of enhanced distribution, followed by a fixed block reward of 2 Coins/block: No cap
Wallet Connections Ports: Normal: 9554 RPC: 9553
Coins backed by REAL GOLD
held in a gold reserve with a minimum guaranteed daily increment
Monthly Block Reduction rate based on a custom scheme.
1% starting taxation on every transaction as a clean and transparent revenue model towards Midas Payment LTD’s investors.
Taxation decrease as block rewards decrease, going down 0.25% every 12 months until it reaches a flat 0.25% transaction tax after 36 months
Official Mining pool (Midaspool.com) with 0% fee and Referral system
Impossible to Instamine in the beginning
. Minable only through the PoM official pool Midaspool.com. Solo mining is voluntary contribution to network stability and will not produce any rewards (except our gratitude)
Mining support for X11/X13, SHA256 and more in the future!
Absolutely No IPO and 0 Premine, not even a single block.


(Reduction Scheme for First 12 Months; See the full scheme here: http://www.midascoin.io/full-block-reward )

After 36 months, the block reward will become fixed at 2 Coins per block. This creates 1152 new coins every day, which is tied to an increasing 1200 grams of a gold , ensuring that the value continues to increase.​


Midaspay.io offer the following:
Spend your MidasCoins on products or services
Redeem your MidasCoins for 24k GOLD BARS (certified)
Receive your physical MidasCoin MasterCard (Debit Card)
Reload your MasterCard with MidasCoins and withdraw at any ATM worldwide!
Earn by referring friends to MidasPool
Work directly with our team on a bounty or long-term partnership
Access merchant services and merchant api
Promote your product or service
and much more, visit http://midaspay.io/

Merchant API

With the MidasPay Merchant API, you can start accepting MidasCoin within a matter of minutes, leaving the security and performance in theyr hands.​


Midascoin Debit Card

MidasPay.io is the platform where you can directly manage your Midas MasterCard (Debit card).

This means that your hard earned MidasCoins can be directly loaded onto your MidasCoin MasterCard and used at 39+ million Points of Acceptance, including ATMs, just like GBP or USD! MidasPay team has spent the last few months grinding day and night to ensure that systems run flawlessly.


MidasPay able to offer independance from the volatility of the crypto scene.

Nobody likes to see their coins lose half their value overnight. Using the Midas Payment Network, you never have to worry which direction your coins are going other than up.

(The video show how to manage your Midascoin debit card, with financial partner platform)

Midascoin Guaranteed Value

The investors behind Midas Payment LTD belong to a large franchise of pawn shops; managing several brands and shops within various cities across Europe, with a significant presence in Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, London, Paris, Brussels, Vienna, and Amsterdam.

They’ve ventured in the platform development and committed to fund the Gold Reserve during the MidasCoin enhanced distribution timeframe of 36 months.

The end goal is to establish a payment network with a revenue model based on transaction volume, used to sell their brand products, while making merchant API available to anyone looking to quickly integrate MidasCoin into their existing online shop.

The starting gold reserve is 20000 grams, and the guaranteed MINIMUM daily increase is 333 grams for the first 12 months, 666 grams for months 12 to 24, and 1500 grams for month 24 to 36. The value of MidasCoin can be calculated by dividing the gold reserve with the total amount of MidasCoins to be issued within 36 months (starting with 20,000/ 7,611,236). The Midascoin value is recalculated every 10 seconds, based on the daily increment.

Check out the full Economical data and api here: http://www.midaspay.io/economical-data

The image below shows the real time overview of the actual value (autoupdate at page refresh):


What is Proof of Mining?

Proof of Mining (PoM) is a brand new distribution system developed exclusively for MidasCoin. It is compatible with your existing scrypt tools (including mining hardware), but with a twist!

The Proof of Mining distribution system uses a different approach to securing the MidasCoin blockchain. Instead of “wasting unneeded hash power” for securing the network, which unless under attack can be secured with much less hash power, it uses 95% of the hash power to “secure another” blockchain. This helps build a reserve fund that grants the backed MidasCoin value, actual and future.

Press Releases

Social Networks
http://midaspay.io/irc-midascoin/ channel#Midascoin on freenode

The Midas Payment Network


http://midaspay.io (exhange for gold and Debit card credit)

Official Website:
Only a few hours left before launch, this is getting really exciting. Pre-registration for MidasPool is open . You can find a link in the OP.

MidasCoin Team:

News from MidasCoin Team:
We invite you to stay subscribed, cause we are launching our "Promotional voucher services", that will allow merchant to offer MidasCoin voucher to their customers, and we need to test it on the battlefield.

Here an example of a voucher code:

We don't want to force anyone to receive our newsletter, but on the next Weekly newsletter everyone (no matter if joined on the pool, the coin website, as a merchant, or external service) will receive a Midascoin voucher, instantly redeemable for MidasCoin.
Stay tuned, stay subscribed!