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Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is very important if you know how to do it. Because it needs deep understanding of the economic factors of related countries.
Both fundamental and technical analysis are important. But fundamental analysis needs deep knowledge of economy of a country whereas technical analysis is chart based.
The crisis of unemployment is looming large day by day. So, forex can be great source of earning as it offers unlimited earning opportunity.
Following pure guidelines and proper use of technical tools helps them stay on the line which is quite essential for earning profit. You can conquer Forex trading with flourished tactics and better strategies.
Most of us trade Forex to utilize opportunities blindly. They don’t have sufficient logic behind opening an entry. So, nurture passion for learning.
In my view, there is no mentionable downside of demo trading. Demo trading is quintessential for every single trader. It helps unwind trading knowledge. A demo accounts is funded with fake money.
If traders work in a group, it is better for them. They can maintain a weekly session where they will discuss their experiences that they obtained by trading throughout the week.
Your trading approach, services, broker’s regulation and other certification, security level should be considered at the time of selecting a broker. when a trader knows these criteria, he is less likely to get deceived.