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Can forex change the rich man life?

Yeah, overconfidence may harm you a lot in the Forex Trading, but if you gain some good amount of knowledge and experience and skills, it may help you to gain more confidence.

Yes, but over-confidence is not the same terminology as like confidence. Such as, I see new traders avoid SL after getting 2-3 TPs; it’s called over-confidence no, it’s not confidence.
You need to understand that there are a lot of losses in trading. Forex trading can change a rich person's life for better or for worse. You need to be realistic in life and don't start day dream. There are a lot of people that will misguide you into thinking that forex always bring success.
anyone who can give me some advances about how to trade forex?


  • 241a1e5e9a9925d241107026b7e65de0.gif
    51 KB · Views: 205
Forex market is such a market which can take you from a slum to the horizon and it can also slap you from the horizon to the slum. It has stories in both fields so you have to realize every aspect of the forex trading from the day you come on the market. Thanks!
Forex market is such a market which can take you from a slum to the horizon and it can also slap you from the horizon to the slum. It has stories in both fields so you have to realize every aspect of the forex trading from the day you come on the market. Thanks!

Of course; that’s story and depends on the traders trading quality! When you are trading with an ordinary trading skill; then the return will be ordinary for sure.
Spread is mainly considered as an important financial tool which an investor should consider when choosing broker. For leading a profitable trading life, we the traders have to choose the broker which always make sure lowest trading spreads.
Money and skills are the requirements for forex trading. Most people ignore skills. They dont study, they do not do any research. What they do is collect some ready-made strategies and check them on demo. By doing so they think they have learned. Trading is not that easy. Invest your time in learning (for newbie).