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Why people keep searching strategy?

It's a very common problem for newbies. Actually you do it out of confusion. You don't have trust on your strategy and yourself. You should have clear idea about your risk reward ratio and winning ratio. You lack confidence. It comes from not knowing what you are doing. Practice on demo find out your winning trade ratio. The main point is you have to increase your skills.
Because they want everything for them here and now and do not want to be real on their current situation, I also do get something from them entirely anyway. We do need to keep it all great for many many reasons, hope should be for them.
People often depends on strategy so that they can earn more profit from market, some people copy other's strategy whereas some create their own putting ideas to it.
Good profitable trading strategy is essential. However, I recommend to build one yourself. If you find a good strategy in online it might not suitable to you.
To finding a good strategy we need to do a lot of trail and errors. But usually people do not give much time in a strategy. They think there must be something I don't know and they keep searching.
A strategy is the main key to success in this market. Many people lose their investment in the forex market because of picking the wrong trading strategy. Picking the right strategy is very much needed for every trader.
If you want to trade, you have to gain a lot of knowledge first. If money management and risk rewards are right, then it is possible to make a profit in any strategy. It is never possible to develop skills without acquiring a trading education. As a trader, I continue to gain knowledge about trading all the time.
There are many more things to add to trading as well as strategy. Such as Trading Discipline, Plan, Money Management, Risk Management, Trade Management, Psychology Control, etc. It is not possible to survive in trading without maintaining these issues.
New trader often eager to trade rather than focusing on learning. They try shortcut, so they look for some magical strategy or indicator which will give them 100% profit all time.
Ready made strategy doesn't help at to develop your trading skills. As a newbie you have to learn how price works, how an indicator works, why and when an indicator gives any buy or sell signals. When you are newbie, you are like an intern. You work to learn the skills not for money.
There are no shortcuts for success in trading. A newbie needs to have an understanding about the factors that influence the forex market before trading live.
I think strategies change according to the needs of a trader. For example, you can’t trade different pairs with the same strategy. And the thing about strategy is that they are not 100% accurate. You have to develop an analysis for what would be best in a scenario.
It is so because strategies are not 100% accurate and traders need to be flexible. Traders change their strategies as per their needs. Strategies that work for one pair may not work for another.
Isn’t it good that traders change their strategies? The market is infamous for its unprecedented nature, Traders need to be flexible and trade as per the market conditions and trading goals.