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Your favourite session

For me, I like to do it in the New York session considering a lot of factors which centers around the time I have, the nature of the market and the serene atmosphere when it comes to my own time zone.

There are also some other sessions I trade on but not often.

To the traders, which is your own favourite session?
I don't have a favorite session since I do analysis twice a day. Usually when asian market open and when London and US market open at night in our country. So I do analysis twice a day and its does not bother me at all.
Well, I trade based on my personal trading strategy only, there is no collection with session’s name! So, I don’t count the name of trading session! But I see, my trading strategy produces so many entry points during volatile sessions of market, that’s way I always try to use volatile trading sessions through my desktop!
London session is the most comfortable session for me as it is day time and I can catch the whole session. But I am not a session trader. Whenever I see an opportunity, I try to grab it no matter what session I am in.
London session is the most comfortable session for me as it is day time and I can catch the whole session. But I am not a session trader. Whenever I see an opportunity, I try to grab it no matter what session I am in.

I guess; almost all of traders prefer the London session; same here! But I see, few scalpers are also interested on Asian session.
in my opinion, the European session is very convenient. because the value of its currency higher and balanced to make considerations.
Try London session because it is really very liquid and every one can grab the opportunity to make around 20 - 25 pips in it for sure if they know how to make it right.