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Your Best trading day?

Hello traders, please share the best experience with us. I can be your best earning figure, or any perfect trade or anything like that.
Price action is not a suitable option for you if you don’t have any market knowledge. Price action trading can be a great strategy for traders if they can forecast the market well.
98% traders are failure in Forex just because they follow the wrong approach of trading. Even they don’t want to develop themselves and stick to mistaking.
Traders should measure their mistakes and take lessons from mistakes. It is the biggest thing that traders mostly ignore. Once traders can recover from their mistakes, it remains as a good knowledge in them.
Education is now quite easier than before because of the availability of internet. So, new traders need to focus on their learning process so sincerely!
having a losses is very common attitude and there is no one who can avoid it in spite of having most powerful analyzing trade knowledge and experience.
Trading on any day can be fine as long as traders have their plan in motion and good risk control techniques to back them up. Learning is constant so traders can’t fall lazy.
A broker’s certification should be checked before picking up a broker. At the time of choosing a broker, we shouldn’t only consider its regulation and facilities rather we should also consider whether the broker supports the specific type of trading that we follow.